Our office is located in the Physicians Regional Medical Arts building located at the corner of Pine Ridge Road and Napa Blvd. Upon entering our plastic surgery suite you will feel the comfort of our warm tones in decor and relaxing music. Your consultation will begin with a friendly member of our staff getting to know about your plastic surgery desires. From there, you will be taken to our state of the art 3D Imaging capture room for your image to be taken. After that, Dr. Turk will take his time explaining all your surgical and non-surgical options. You will then be given a quote for all procedures discussed at your consultation.
3D Vectra Imaging System
Dreams Become Reality With Virtual Makeover.
By combining procedures that have stood the test of time with newly proven advances in technology, our office is on the cutting edge to provide you with the best options. Call today to schedule a confidential consultation and receive a “Virtual Makeover” with our new 3D imaging system.
Our Plastic Surgery Suite
Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center has a state of the art AAAASF plastic surgery suite. This is the first, and only, plastic surgery suite located inside of a hospital in Naples.
“I am dedicated to my patients comfort, safety, and care” says Dr. Turk, medical director of the Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center. “This is clear as soon as you enter our fully accredited facility. There is meticulous attention to detail to optimize your relaxation and privacy in our reception area, consultation rooms, and operating suite. I was heavily involved with the design and development to make sure our surgery center was specifically built around our patients and their plastic surgery experience.”
Our plastic surgery suite has been inspected and accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) was established in 1980. Its primary mission is to ensure the highest quality patient care in the ambulatory surgery setting. AAAASF certification, coupled with the fact, that the surgery center is located in Physicians Regional Medical Center can deliver an aspect of safety that has not yet been offered in Naples.
AAAASF accreditation has been recognized as the “gold standard.” AAAASF certification has been a model of excellence in surgical care and has been cited repeatedly as the model program for others to follow. These days, there is more to having surgery than just selecting your surgeon. AAAASF has designed an accrediting program to help provide patients with the assurance of safety and quality in all aspects of their outpatient surgery experience.
The entire Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center team specializes in helping the surgical process run smoothly before, during, and after surgery. Like all meticulous artists, Dr. Turk selects state-of-the-art instrumentation, equipment, and monitoring devices.
“The Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center AAAASF Certificate of Accreditation provides evidence that our facility meets high standards for patient safety in the outpatient surgical environment, and we are very proud of that. The AAAASF certification along with the surgery center location at Physicians Regional Center delivers the ultimate peace-of-mind for our patients” says Dr. Turk.