Ultrasound Without the Pregnancy — Ultherapy

When you think of ultrasound you probably think of a pregnant young couple in the doctor’s office looking at a screen as the technician uses ultrasound waves to check the health of the fetus. And usually while they’re at it they, by accident, they discover the sex of the baby!

At Naples Cosmetic Surgery we use ultrasound energy, too, but you don’t have to get pregnant to have it. Instead, our patients love it to tighten their skin. It’s called Ultherapy.

What does Ultherapy do?

Ultherapy lifts, tightens, and tones the skin on the face and neck. It’s excellent for reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and producing overall improvement in the firmness and smoothness of the skin. The procedure is safe, non-invasive, and is approved by the FDA.

Who could use Ultherapy?

The best candidates for Ultherapy have mild to moderate skin laxity, but not enough to merit any sort of surgical solution yet. Drooping eyebrow lines and loose skin under the chin or on the eyelids are all good situations to be remedied by Ultherapy.

How does it work?

An Ulterapy session takes from one to one-and-a-half hours at our beautiful Pine Ridge Road offices. The ultrasound energy is delivered through the epidermis (outer layer of the skin) into the dermis (the second layer). There the ultrasound energy heats up the skin’s underlying foundation and triggers a wound response. This response is the production of new collagen and skin cells. Over time, these new cells improve the tone and texture of the skin. And this wound response can be triggered without the least bit of damage to the surface of the skin.

Is Ultherapy painful?

We advise our Ultherapy patients to take 800 mg of ibuprofen about 45 minutes before their treatment. From there, patients report a mild prickly or warm sensation during the procedure.

There is no recovery time, as patients can return to their normal activities immediately after their appointment.

Want to tighten your skin for the New Year? Ultherapy with at Naples Cosmetic Surgery could be a good solution. Call us at (239) 348-4357 to schedule an appointment.


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