All Mommy Wants for Christmas Is Her Old Body Back

OK, so you took that whole barefoot and pregnant adage a little too literally. And, while having a boatload of kids running to and fro is an ongoing adventure, your body isn’t exactly thrilled with your decisions. You now have loose sagging skin on your abdomen and your breasts have taken the elevator to the ground floor.

Come on! Having kids is hard enough. Losing your pre-pregnancy body seems like more than you signed up for.

Fortunately, Dr. Turk can give you back your pre-pregnancy body with a mommy makeover. By combining various procedures that target the areas affected by pregnancy, delivery, and childbirth, a mommy makeover can give you back your pre-pregnancy form…and maybe then some. That’s a gift that certainly beats the basket of scented bath salts!

You’ve lost the weight, but…

Gaining and then taking the weight back off after you’ve had a child isn’t easy. You limited the amount of weight you gained, and you have worked hard and taken the pounds off after delivery. Your reward? Loose skin and fat pockets on your tummy. And it seems that no matter how many crunches you do, they have no effect.

The problem is similar to a rubber band that you’ve had stretched around some large object for a long time. If you now take the rubber band off the object it won’t return to its former degree of tautness. This is what happens to your skin and muscles of your abdomen. The skin becomes over-stretched and can’t return to its pre-pregnant tightness. Often the muscles across the center of your abdomen actually become separated and they cannot return to the center without surgery.

And pregnancy and breastfeeding have done a number on your breasts. Lost volume and stretched skin and support muscles have left your breasts flattened and sagging. The nipples may even have started to turn downward.

What does a mommy makeover with Dr. Turk address?

Targeting the breasts and abdomen, Dr. Turk will work with you to decide what your goals are. These are characteristics typical to our mommy makeover patients:

  • Droopy or deflated breasts
  • Reduced volume in the breasts
  • Excess fatty tissue in the abdomen and thighs
  • Stretch marks
  • Weakened and separated abdominal muscles

Procedures involved

The procedures involved with a mommy makeover usually include a full tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast lift with or without augmentation. Adding implants to your breast lift is simple, as Dr. Turk can place them through the same incisions he has made for the lift. By having multiple procedures done at the same time, there is the added benefit of having just a single recovery period instead of one for each procedure.

Interested in getting your body back to its pre-Mommy shape? Call us at Naples Cosmetic Surgery, (239) 348-4357, and set up a consultation for a mommy makeover.


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