ULTHERA is now at the Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center Med Spa

The newest FDA approved noninvasive cosmetic treatment of the face is ULTHERA.
This unique ultrasound therapy uses your own healing process to lift, tone and tighten loose skin. The energy of the ultrasound is safe and stimulates the deep structural support layers of the skin. You are building and renewing collagen without disturbing the surface of the skin.
There is no downtime for a single 60 minute procedure in our office med spa. Results from Ulthera of neck, jawline, cheeks , eyelids and forehead continue over the course of 3 months. It does not duplicate a facelift but is an exciting alternative for those not yet ready for surgery. Or if you have had a facelift and wish for additional banking of skin collagen, Ulthera is most inviting.
So whether you are between surgeries or looking for an innovative non-invasive way to uplift and tighten skin, Ultherapy is right for you.


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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
Sat - Sunday: Closed

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