You’ve Decided to Have Augmentation — Four Other Decisions

No one should make a decision about any cosmetic surgery lightly. But this is particularly true of breast augmentation. While the procedure continues to grow more popular every year, it will permanently change a woman’s figure. Obviously, this is usually the goal, but a woman needs to be sure she’s making the decision for herself, not someone else.
But once you make the decision to have breast augmentation, you’ll have four other decisions to make before we schedule your surgery. All the choices may seem daunting, but Dr. Turk will help guide you through each of these decisions, making sure you’re comfortable with every aspect of your upcoming procedure.

  • Implant type. You’ll choose between saline or silicone implants — both implant types have pluses and minuses. Silicone implants have become more popular, as most people feel that they have a more natural feel than saline. But in the case of a rupture, the body simply absorbs the saline solution, while silicone will need to be removed. Of course, in any rupture you’ll have to have the ruptured implant removed and replaced, so silicone removal would happen at the same time anyway. Also silicone implants require an MRI every two years to check for rupture. If a saline implant leaks, you’ll know as it will quickly deflate.
  • Implant position. You’ll decide if you want the implant placed atop the breast muscle or underneath the breast muscle. There is some subjectivity here, but many believe implants placed under the muscle have a more natural look.
  • Incision location. Incision location is an important decision. Implants can be placed through incisions either at the bottom of the breast, near or in the areola, or in the armpit. Obviously, incisions in the armpit leave the least visible scarring.
  • Implant style. The last of your decisions will be the size and shape of your implants. You can choose between teardrop and circular-shaped implants. You will also decide if you want your implants to have texture, which can help to keep them from shifting. Finally, you will decide on the projection you prefer. This is a factor of how high or forward the implants appear when in place.

While breast augmentation is an exciting time for a woman, there are a series of decisions to make. Dr. Turk will help you with each one, so that you feel great about your choices heading into surgery. Call us at 239-348-4357 to schedule your augmentation consultation.


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