Gravity is like Tiger Woods was in his prime — it wins every time.
While everyone thinks they’re doing things to keep aging at bay, gravity doesn’t care. It’s always puling everything downward. The results show everywhere, including your forehead. Problem is, those results on your forehead — sagging skin, lines, drooping brows — can give people dealing you the wrong impression. Aging brows can make people think you’re perpetually tired, sad, even angry.
A brow lift with Dr. Turk can put an end to these misperceptions, however, and take years off your appearance at the same time. Since brow lifts only target the upper third of the face, our Naples Cosmetic Surgery patients often consider combining a brow lift with a facelift and/or eyelid surgery for more wide-ranging results.
Is a brow lift right for you?
Sagging brows can be simply a fact of age, or due to your genes. Most people opting to have a brow lift with Dr. Turk are between the ages of 40 and 60 and feature lined or inelastic skin on their foreheads.
If you want to get a rough idea of how a brow lift would change your face, here’s a little thing you can do at home. Stand in front of the mirror and place your palms on your outer forehead just above your eyebrows. Now pull the skin back away from your eyes. That tightening is what a brow lift will do.
Two techniques to fit your situation
- Coronal brow lifts were really the only way to rejuvenate the brows up until the invention of the endoscope. As the name implies, the incision went around the entire upper hairline, from ear to ear. Thanks to that handy miniature camera, now endoscopic brow lifts have become the norm. Here’s how Dr. Turk performs an endoscopic brow lift.
- Endoscopic brow lift — This technique is so much better, thanks to its limited invasiveness and faster healing times. Dr. Turk makes from three to five short incisions, each less than one inch, behind the hairline. He then inserts an endoscope into one of the incisions. The endoscope enables him to see beneath the skin without making the long incision of the traditional method. Through the other incisions he then lifts the skin, removes tissue, and adjust muscles as needed.
Gravity has an even better winning percentage than Tiger. But Dr. Turk can help you show gravity who’s the boss with a brow lift. Call us at (239) 348-4357 to schedule your consultation.