You Can Strengthen Your Chin

A weak chin can make your face seem undefined and fleshy. Your chin can also be out of proportion with the rest of your face. It may seem too small or maybe overly pointy.

Whatever the flaws you perceive, you see them every day when you first look in the mirror. Men can’t have chins like Kirk Douglas, and women certainly don’t want a chin like the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz, but more definition would be nice.

Chin augmentation with implants is the way to change your chin. Dr. Turk performs these procedures in our Naples offices.

What is chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation uses the insertion of implants, usually made from GORE-TEX or silicone, to change the patient’s chin and lower face. Many patients feel their chin isn’t proportional with the rest of their facial features. Others rue having an overly pointy chin. Many people feel as if their chin actually recedes, making the lower portion of their face seem somewhat featureless.

In this procedure, Dr. Turk makes an incision in the mouth or under the chin and inserts the implant.

How is chin augmentation done?

During your consultation, you’ll discuss with Dr. Turk the best location for your incision, either inside the mouth between the gum and lower lip or underneath the chin. Obviously, an incision made within the mouth leaves no visible scar, but it makes recovery a little more involved. You would think an incision under the chin would be visible, but that area of the face is rarely, if ever, seen on most people. Plus, Dr. Turk’s expertise makes the scar barely noticeable.

Once the incision is made, the next step is to create a pocket for the implant. He does this in front of the jawbone. The implant is then inserted, and Dr. Turk checks to see how the position and balance look. He may adjust the implant pocket at this point. Once satisfied, the implant is sutured permanently into place and the incision is closed.


There will be some swelling and bruising after your chin augmentation. The chin area will also likely feel tight, thanks to the new implant. There will probably also be some numbness and tingling. If your incision is inside your mouth, you will be on a soft diet for a few days. Most patients can return to work and typical activities in a week or so.

If you’d like to change that shapeless chin, we can do that at Naples Cosmetic Surgery. Call us at (239) 348-4357 to schedule a consultation.


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