Turn Back the Clock with a Facelift

Facelift Naples, FL Gravity never takes a day off and never calls in sick. It’s pulling downward on all of our joints and tissues all day every day. Your joints know gravity is a tough taskmaster, and so does your face.

Gravity continually pulls your facial skin and its underlying support structures downward. Throw in sun damage (particularly in a sunny place like Naples) along with the stresses of daily life, and your face takes a beating. As you age, your cheeks lose volume and sag, deep creases form under your eyes and between your nose and mouth, you develop jowls, and loose skin and fat hang under your chin and jaw.

A facelift with Dr. Turk can turn back the clock on facial aging, making you look from 10 to 15 years younger.

Areas that facelifts address

Clinically known as a rhytidectomy (of Greek origin meaning wrinkle + excision), a facelift rejuvenates the mid-to-lower face and neck. These are the target areas of the procedure.

  • Mid-face sagging
  • Deep creases under the eyes
  • Nasolabial folds (laugh lines)
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Loose skin and fat under the chin and jaw

Areas that a facelift won’t fix

The name facelift can be confusing for some people. They assume the procedure addresses the entire face, but facelifts are targeted to the mid- and lower face. Different muscle systems actually are involved in the mid and lower face versus the brow area. Because of that, facelifts do not rejuvenate the brows, eyelids, or nose. To address these areas, some patients combine a facelift with a brow lift or eyelid surgery.

Injectable fillers and skin resurfacing procedures can further enhance the effects of a facelift.


A traditional facelift rejuvenates the face, jowls, and neck. For this procedure, Dr. Turk makes an incision that begins in the hairline at the temples, moves down around the front of the ear, then behind the earlobe, ending in the lower scalp at the hairline. After the skin is lifted, underlying fat is sculpted or removed, muscle and tissue is repositioned, and excess skin is trimmed then redraped.

Other techniques employed by Dr. Turk are a mid-face lift that mainly targets the cheeks and smile lines and a limited-incision facelift that targets the areas around the mouth and eyes. Both of these techniques involve only small incisions that are easily hidden.

Have you about had it with gravity and its pull on your face? Call us at Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center, (239) 348-4357, and set up a consultation for a facelift with Dr. Turk.


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