Body Contouring for Weight Loss: Is It Right for You?

body contouring If you’ve lost weight, you know that the weight loss process itself isn’t the only big change. Your body continues to change and adjust to your new weight, so even once you lose weight, you may still have lingering body adjustments you want to make to ensure you can have the lifestyle and confidence you want from here on out. Body contouring is one option for those who have lost weight, but before diving in, you’ll want to carefully consider what the procedure entails.

Types of Body Contouring

Body contouring is an umbrella term for several types of body sculpting surgeries. These types of procedures help contour and excise excess tissues. While body contouring can be cosmetic, it can also improve function. Some of the most common areas for body contouring include:

  • Breast lift
  • Arm lift
  • Lower body lift
  • Tummy tuck

You can choose just one of these surgeries, or you can choose to do more than one based on your goals and needs. Your doctor can work with you to develop the best treatment plan for your goals.

Perks of Body Contouring

For people who have lost a lot of weight, excess skin may not match the aesthetic they’re looking for. Moreover, having excess skin can come with functional issues. For example, moisture can cause bacterial growth between the skin flaps, leading to infections and discomfort. Additionally, daily activities can be painful or arduous when dealing with chafing and related issues.

Is Body Contouring Right for Everyone?

For some people, body contouring may not be the best idea at this time. This does not mean that you can never have this procedure, but before proceeding, you may want to wait and return to the issue when you’re ready.

People who have lost significant weight can benefit from body contouring, but that doesn’t mean this procedure is right for everyone. For instance, those who have completed bariatric surgery should generally wait 18 months or more before undergoing body-contouring surgery.

Those who have lost weight using other methods will also want to ensure their weight has stabilized. Weight should be stable for at least six months.

Schedule a Body Contouring Consultation

If you’re interested in post-weight loss body contouring, contact Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center at 239-348-4357. Our experts can help you determine if now is the right time and, if so, what your treatment plan may entail.


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